
What are 'private transactions'?

Transactions within the Aztec rollup are hidden from observers and the Aztec rollup provider. Both the identities of sender/recipient and the values transferred are encrypted.

Are deposits private?

When you deposit into our rollup, people can see the Eth address you deposited from, and how much you deposited. They cannot see the identity of the Aztec address you deposited into.

Are withdrawals private?

When you withdraw to a regular ETH address, the address you withdrew to is shown on the block explorer. Using this data, the withdrawn amount can be traced.

For privacy, you need to withdraw to a different Ethereum address. Use a different address then one you fund or register username with.

What information about my transaction will be shown on explorer like Etherscan?

It will show the funds were sent from an “Aztec Contract / Private Rollup”.

Last updated