
How long does it take for a transaction to settle?

The Rollup allows to batch a few transactions together (up to 112) and help users save on gas fees. Aztec pays the network fees on behalf of the users - in that setup, users that broadcasted a transaction are paying a small share of the total cost according to their pro-rata share in the Rollup. The more transactions are made, the faster each Roll will fill up, and completion time will be quicker. In case of slow periods, Aztec will subsidise remaining fees for the Rollup to ensure Rollup is sent at least every 6 hours. If users don't want to wait long, they may speed up transaction times by paying higher fees.

Can the rollup provider censor my transactions and refuse to add them to a block?

The rollup provider cannot extract any information from your private transaction - to them it looks like a list of random numbers. If the rollup provider wishes to censor a specific user, they are unable to do so.

What happens if the rollup provider refuses to publish any blocks? Can I still withdraw?

Yes. Our 'escape hatch' mechanism enables withdrawals if the rollup provider goes down. For 2 hours per day, users can create 'escape hatch' proofs and send them directly to our rollup contract. This enables unconditional withdrawals from our system. Escape hatch proofs are time consuming and expensive to create so this should only be used as a last resort.

Will ordinary people be able to run a rollup?

Technically anyone can currently be a rollup provider for 2 out of every 10 hours right now. It is how the escape hatch mode works. We expect to decentralise further with community providers in ~3 months.

Last updated